Hi,                                                                                                            November 5, 2007


We have an update on info concerning the Williams Reunion next July. 


First, here are some options for accommodations: 


1.  Bonnie’s and Chris’ homes are both welcoming visitors, although this is on a first-come, first-serve basis J as neither has quite enough beds to accommodate 50+ people!


2.  Carrie has a deal through her work for those who are interested in RV-ing, and her family is staying at a camp west of Omaha.  If interested give Carrie a call at (605) 718-3739. 


3.  There is a new indoor water park at the Holiday Inn at 3321 S. 72nd in Omaha called CoCo Key and it’s supposed to be pretty great.  Call (402) 393-3950 for info. 


4.  Bellevue:

     Settle Inn & Suites 2105 Pratt Ave (402) 292-1155 (approx 4 miles)

     Days Inn 1811 Hillcrest Dr. (402) 292-3800 (approx 6 miles)


5.  Papillion:

     Liberty Lodge Motel 1409 Gold Coast Rd. (402) 339-0555 (approx 3 miles)


These are just a few hotels/motels in the area so feel free to go online if these don’t work out for you or don’t have what you need. 


Second, we have reserved a photographer, BODE photography of Omaha for a family picture to be taken Saturday morning, July 12.  The website is bodephoto.com.  On the left go to price, then Family Prices.  An 11X14 for instance, will be $75, which is the most reasonable I am able to come up with after talking with numerous photographers who would be available on that date. 


We’re planning on having a picnic after the family picture.


Feel free to contact Eric & Kim, Bonnie & Hiram, or Chris & Leilani if you have any questions.  We look forward to a great weekend in July and you can always check Eric and Kim’s website at www.kim-eric.com/2008/reunion.htm for updates as they are posted.