Joi & Matt Wagner
Oct. 14, 2006

Joi &  Jack

Jackie & Matt

Danielle, Eric, Nancy, Dylan, Tylor is hiding, Mike & Patti

Joi & Jack

Joi & Jack

Joi & Matt

Jodi & ?

La Vern & Karen Bisek

Deb, Jim, Betty Jane Zilla

Matt & Joi with Betty  Jane & La Vern (her godparents)

Kimmer & Danielle

Jack, Betty Jane, & La Vern

Danielle, Nancy, & Dylan

La Vern & Karen

the cake

Jack, the proud father of the bride

Mike, Patti, & Tylor

Kimmer & Eric

Nancy, Kimmer, Dylan, Danielle (Jim's fingers)& Eric

La Vern, Karen, Betty Jane, Jack, & Jackie

La vern's family

Danielle, Kimmer, & Karen

Dylan, Jodi, Nancy & Danielle

Jackie, Jodi, & Joi

Jack, Jackie, Jodi, &  Joi

Danielle, Joi, & Nancy

Jim & Deb