Kilen Woods State Park with DJ, Beth, Abbie and Ethan
August 15, 2009

Birthday Cake

Abbie and DJ

Ethan making an cherry pie

Beth and Ethan

Beth and Eric

Lighting the cake

Lighting the cake

Lighting the cake

Beth and Abbie

Abbie and DJ

Des Moines River ~ Kilen Woods State Park

Des Moines River ~ Kilen Woods State Park

Des Moines River ~ Kilen Woods State Park

Des Moines River ~ Kilen Woods State Park

Creekside trail ~ Kilen Woods State Park

Creekside trail ~ Kilen Woods State Park

Des Moines River ~ Kilen Woods State Park

Des Moines River ~ Kilen Woods State Park

Trail from hell ~ Kilen Woods State Park

Wild Flowers ~ Kilen Woods State Park

Wild Flowers ~ Kilen Woods State Park

DJ and Ethan walking through the wild flowers ~ Kilen Woods State Park

Wild Flowers ~ Kilen Woods State Park

Hillside trail ~ Kilen Woods State Park

