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April 1, 2011

I'm gonna be published
Happy April Fools!!! I'm gonna be published! Its official the John Wiley Textbook company is using my photo of the Liberty Bell crack for the cover of the textbook Deformation and Fracture Mechanics of Engineering Materials. (this is no April Fool's joke)
Here is the photo:

Cool huh?  Sunday was my last official class for my degree.   I still have 5 more Advanced Accounting classes but this class isn't required for my degree.  I turned in my take home final on Thursday so I'm done with that class and I have my weekends back.  YES!!!!

My lenten "work out every day" thing has been going great.  I haven't missed a morning yet, even when I was suffering with my nasty cold!  And the last 4 days Eric has joined me!!  I know shocking...Mr. Morning Guy himself - NOT! And, as a result, I have lost 6 lbs! I have long way to go though.

The Minnesota River is flooding again.  I know it seems like it happens all the time.  It is the 3rd time in just over a year.  So again our road to work is closed again.  Normally this would mean super long commutes but that ain't so this time.   MnDOT got smart and added another lane to the only bridge over the river!  The commutes have actually gotten shorter!  I'm getting work in 45 minutes and normal it takes over an hour.  Sweet!  The river crested on Wednesday but they expect it to crest again because it hasn't been warm enough to melt all the snow.

We are currently at my mom's house for the weekend.  We have a bridal shower tomorrow and than we are going out to eat for my Mom's Birthday which is April 11.

That is about all that is exciting in our lives now.









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